Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 A Tutorial-based Guide

Getting started wit Pro/Engineer Wildfire 2.0, contain information about : Pro/ENGINEER Concepts, Pro/E Basic Design Modes When you bring a design from conception to completion in Pro/E, you pass the design information through three basic design steps: • Creating the component parts of the design • Joining the parts in an assembly that records the relative positions of the parts • Creating mechanical drawings based on the information in the parts and the assembly, Assembly Mode, Assembly in an exploded view. Learning the Pro/E Interface. Navigating Pro/E, Managing Files, Datum and Axis Display, Selection Filters, Part Design Basics, Datums, Axes, and Coordinate Systems, The Sketcher is best described as a submode of Part mode. You could regard it as a 2D drafting board within the 3D environment. You will use it to create most of the geometric shapes you use in a part. Associative
details that you build into a sketch, or section, such as geometric constraints or relations between dimensions act as a foundation for all other additions and edits to follow. The basis of Sketcher geometry tools are the line, circle, and arc creation functions common to most drawing programs. Going from Sketch to 3D, Redefining Features, Making a Block: The Sketcher Setup Sequence, Modeling the Cell Phone, Sketch the Lens Protrusion. Step by step tutorial guide for Modeling Cell Phone.

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Posted on 18:51 by Davird Duc and filed under | 0 Comments »

Pro/Engineer Tutorial Creating 3D PCB

The tutorial guide to create 3D PCD in pro/engineer software, 1. Gather the ECAD Data and locate specifications for each component on the PCB. Create or identify a matching 3D Pro/Engineer model for every ECAD component. 3D component models in Pro/Engineer. Each component must have the identical coordinate system location and orientation when compared to the ECAD Geometry. To maximize reuse of Mechanical Models, set up your ECAD Design Software to output a package type as the ecad_name and either an internal corporate part number or a vendor part number as the ecad_alt_name. Do not set up your ECAD IDF output to use identical ecad and ecad_alt names. Matching 3D components to existing ECAD Geometries, The Simplified Solutions Library of Components follows IPC-7351 with respect to component orientation. Pin 1 is in the upper left hand corner. For surface mount components, the coordinate system is through the geometric center of the component, while for thru-hole parts, the coordinate system is through the center of pin 1.
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Posted on 18:48 by Davird Duc and filed under | 0 Comments »